Category Archives: Announcements
<h2>المجتمع</h2> المجتمع هو أحد أقسام موقع المحطة الذي يتم من خلاله نشر مقالات تناقش قضايا مجتمعية
Crown’s Final Pitch To Wa Royal Commission
Crown’s Final Pitch To Wa Royal Commission Look out for the Level Up boxes, reside poker will all the time have loads of worthwhile spots. Some say it’s one of the best nations in relation to curbing drawback playing, which … Continue reading
Wellcome Genome Campus webinar 22nd March 2021
Wellcome Genome would like the opportunity to share their work on Covid-19 with the local community and so would like to invite the residents of Hinxton, Ickleton and Great Chesterford to an online Zoom webinar. The event will be held … Continue reading
Ickleton Society – Our short AGM will be held by ZOOM on Wednesday 11 November at 8.00.
Solar panel offer
Registration has opened on a solar panel offer for Cambridgeshire residents. Households across Cambridgeshire can now register for the chance to club together to buy and install solar panels at a reduced price. The County Council and District Councils have … Continue reading
Who would have thought that when we had to close the hall in March that our user groups would still be unable, three months later, to participate in all the weekly activities held in the village hall. The Government announced … Continue reading
Annual Parish Meeting 2020
The Annual Parish Meeting scheduled for the 12th of May 2020 has been postponed due to the Covid-19 outbreak and national lockdown.
Ickleton Parish Council meetings
Parish Council Meetings Due to the Covid-19 outbreak all Parish Council meetings will be conducted remotely using the computer software application Skype until the government’s instructions on group gatherings changes or is relaxed. Agendas will only be available on the … Continue reading
Ickleton Parish Council meetings
The Parish Council meeting on Wednesday 18th March 2020 was cancelled. The next scheduled meeting is on Wednesday 15th April 2020. Please check the website nearer the time to find out if the meeting will go ahead next month.