The Local Development Plans
Both South Cambridgeshire and Uttlesford District Councils are putting together their Local Development Plans. The Ickleton Society is monitoring the proposals and responding to consultations.
South Cambridgeshire
A number of issues have already been consulted on. The draft plan is due to be published in July 2013 and the consultation period will run from 19 July to 30 September 2013. The draft plan will be submitted to the Government early next year and be subject to a public examination.
The main points to have emerged with regard to new housing are that the order of preference for development will be, firstly, the edge of Cambridge, then new settlements (Waterbeach, Bourn Airport and Cambourne) and finally certain larger villages.
Proposals potentially affecting Ickleton and the surrounding area are:
- Hanley Grange is not included in the draft plan;
- 540 new homes are proposed at Sawston;
- the Council is not including a Community stadium near junction 11 of the M11 in the draft plan;
- the Council is not including a stadium for Cambridge City Football Club at Sawston in the draft plan;
- Ickleton and Hinxton remain as an ‘infill only’ villages with development normally limited to schemes of 2 houses; and
- Duxford remains a ‘Group Village’ with development normally limited to schemes of 8 houses or, exceptionally, 15 houses.
In addition, South Cambs asked for suggestions to be put forward for Local Green Spaces. These will be given some protection from development. The Society put forward the village green and part of Back Lane from the rec to Southfield. The Parish Council proposed the village green and Drivers Meadow. The Council are intending to include the village green and Drivers Meadow as Local Green Spaces in the plan but not Back Lane. The Society will be objecting to this in the final consultation.
The Society continues to monitor the debate in Uttlesford over where their proposed new housing should be built. Should it appear that the proposal for a large new development at Great Chesterford might come back into play, we stand ready to oppose it vigorously through the consultation process and, if necessary, campaign against it.
Stansted Airport
The Society supports the Stop Stansted Expansion campaign group. We respond to consultations on issues and proposals that could result in major expansion of Stansted and increased flights coming over Ickleton. We are currently monitoring the suggestions that have been made by a number of high profile individuals, including the Mayor of London, and others that Stansted should become a major hub airport.