The Ickleton Society
The Ickleton Society is our village amenity group. Membership of the Society is open to anyone who lives in or has a connection with Ickleton.
The Society was originally formed in 1981 as a vehicle for promoting residents interests when the third London Airport at Stansted was in the planning stage. Since this “preservation” activity was originally a central feature, it is still sometimes referred to as the “Preservation Society” – or “IPS” for short. However with the passage of time our scope has become much wider .
Planning – the Society monitors and responds to planning and development issues in an effort to preserve our village and local environment while still responding to the needs of our community.
History – the Society maintains and adds to the village archives. We have a collection of around 6500 photographs of streets and houses within the village, dating from 1900 to the present, as well as photographs of inhabitants and village events over many years and a collection of over 1700 historic and more recent documents and memorabilia relating to the village and its surrounds.
Social Activities – the Society also organises various social functions and excursions throughout the year. They include trips to the theatre and the annual Boxing Day or New Years’ day walk. Details of forthcoming events are published in the Icene as well as on this website.
Ickleton Society Constitution – click to view our Constitution
Data Privacy Policy – click to view our Data Privacy Policy.
See information about the village archives here.
View the archive photographs here.
Officers and Committee Members
Rachel Radford (Chair)
Fiona Rose (Vice Chair & Membership Secretary)
John Fowler (Treasurer)
Sarah Webb (Secretary)
Andrew Shepperd
Clare Driver
Glynis Hammond
Jo Hancock
Marian Sweet
Membership of the Society costs £7 per annum for an individual or £17 for a family. If you would like to join please click on the link below to our Brochure, complete the membership application form and post it or drop it off to Fiona Rose, Membership Secretary, Craftsman Barn, Butchers Hill, Ickleton, Saffron Walden, Essex CB10 1SR.