The Great Chesterford and District Gardening Society is affiliated to the Royal Horticultural Society and covers seven local villages including Ickleton. Monthly meetings are held on the first Wednesday of the month, except in January and August. Meetings take place in Ickleton Village Hall at 8.00 pm.
In the summer, trips are made to interesting gardens in the vicinity and each year in July one of the villages is chosen for a Garden Walkabout.
A flower show is held in September every other year, and in the intervening year there is a “mini” flower show in October. There is a Spring Party each year in March and garden visits during the summer months.
The society is affiliated to the Royal Horticultural Society and has often entered exhibits to the chelsea and Hampden Court flower shows.
New members are always welcome. Come along if you are interested.
The annual subscription is £10. Membership entitles members to significant discounts on seeds and horticultural supplies, and to discounts from certain local nurseries and garden centres.
For further information please contact Chair, Mrs Pauline Gale