Village Archives

The Ickleton Archives


The Ickleton village archives are maintained by the Ickleton Society.  They consist of:

  • a large collection of around 6500 photographs of streets and houses within the village, dating from 1900 to the present, as well as photographs of inhabitants and village events over many years;
  • a collection of over 1700 historic and more recent documents and memorabilia relating to the village, its people and its surrounds; and
  • a number of artefacts found locally.

Most of the archive photographs, documents and artifacts have been kindly donated (or copied from originals held) by local people.  If you have anything which may be relevant and which you would be prepared to share, please do drop us a line.

The Archive Photographs

The photographs are all held digitally as well as in paper form.  The digital photographs together with  a wide range of our document collection can be viewed in the Ickleton Gallery here.  In addition For more detail, you can also view photos at original size here.

Index of Documents in the Archive

There are digital copies of a few of the documents in the Gallery.  In the meantime it may be possible to arrange to get copies or examine other documents. Please email us, giving your own contact details and indicating the reference numbers of items in which you are interested.

A PDF version of the index of documents and other memorabilia in the collection can be viewed here.  The PDF version of the index is searchable by putting text into the usual search icon (magnifying glass).