Update on Wellcome Planning Application

An update from the Ickleton Society:

  1. Hotel – Wellcome has acknowledged that the hotel “will not be limited to Campus guests”.  So this will attract more traffic and is more evidence that this is essentially a commercial venture.
  2. Housing – Wellcome has again confirmed that this will all be at market rates.  There will be no social or affordable housing included in the scheme even though there are low paid workers on Campus, either employed directly by Campus occupiers or by sub-contractors.  There will be no housing for local people unconnected with the Campus.  Wellcome say that occupiers would be required to move if no-one in the household is employed on Campus but we still don’t see how this could work long term (see our leaflet).
  3. Nursery – priority would be given to the children of Campus workers.  Only if there were surplus places, would they be available to local children.
  4. Car parking – Wellcome has been asked why the car-parking cannot be underground (as a lot of it is on the present Campus) but they have not answered the question.  Ground level and above ground multi-storey car parks are no doubt a great deal cheaper.

We will continue to post updates as we learn more about the planned expansion.

Please remember to send your response to the S Cambs Planners by 4 February.

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